I love using Bounty paper towels. I have used this brand of paper towels for many years. They are very useful for many things around the house, or in my case, around my condo. I would recommend them to anyone.
Then one day they started offering paper towels that you could tear in half sizes as well as whole-size paper towels. Why would I want those kind of paper towels? I don't want a paper towel with a perforation in the middle that makes it easy to tear in half. Why would I use a half-sized paper towel? I have always used full-size paper towels to cleanup the spills that I always make. However, Bounty was not giving me much of choice. All I could see on the Bounty shelves were the paper towels you could easily tear in half. What was I to do.
But I started to find uses for the half-sized paper towels. I put the spoon I use to stir my cup of coffee on a half-sized paper towel. I put my spatula or my big spoon I use when I am cooking on a half-sized paper towel. After cooking bacon in my microwave, I clean the bottom of my microwave with a half-sized paper towel. I even use a one and one-half paper towel when I clean the white board of a classroom. When I use a half-sized paper towel, and it does the job of a whole paper towel, I am saving paper and money by doing so. I have grown to like this kind of paper towel. I would not be happy if this kind of paper towel went away.
Too my horror, it looks like the unthinkable has happened. A couple of weeks ago when I went to the paper towel aisle in the grocery store, and all I saw on the Bounty shelves were the full-size paper towels only. The half-sized paper towels were no where to be seen. My favorite paper towels were gone.
Why did this terrible thing happen? I don't go to the grocery store every day to see if my favorite paper towels are back (maybe I should). Maybe they were out of those kind of paper towels temporarily and had to fill the shelves with the full-size paper towels. Maybe they were not making enough money on the half-sized paper towels and figured they could make more money on the full-sized type. It seems so cruel to get someone used to using a product in a new way, and then ripping that away. I have become dependent on using half-sized paper towels. I miss them. I am sad that they seem to be gone from my life.
I know you are thinking now that I have really flipped. He is not really upset over a paper towel, is he? No, I am not that upset. However, the older you are, the harder it is to accept change. I had accepted change when I started to like using half-sized paper towels. Now I have to go back to using the old-styled paper towels, especially when I was saving money and paper using the new-styled ones? Oh, what a cruel world this can be!